Thursday 22 June 2017

Ultimate Spider Man – PC


Ultimate Spiderman PC Game Review.
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN is Activision's third SPIDER-MAN game and the first to be based off the comics rather than the new movies. The PC game puts players in control of the web-slinging Spider-Man as he does battle with Venom and other enemies while getting help from some familiar superheroes. The story of Spider-Man begins when 15 year old Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider. He soon realizes he has the ability to climb walls and to sense things. Shortly after being bitten, Peter and friend Eddie Brock discover a mysterious black suit that their fathers created before their deaths. Eddie ends up putting on the suit, which turns him into the powerful villain known as Venom. Peter must battle his childhood friend and other villains like the Green Goblin, Carnage, and Electro to save the city. In story mode, players can walk around New York City as much as they wish as they accomplish side-missions or move the plot along. Instead of walking, though, Spider-Man can shoot webs onto tall buildings and swing his way around the city while capturing gang members and stopping crimes. He also must stop Venom's plot and defeat the other villains. Players will also enjoy seeing Spider-Man joined by allies like Wolverine and the Human Torch for some scenes. Fans of the comics will enjoy how ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN draws on the comic style and storyline, while movie fans will like getting to see another chapter in the Spider-Man legacy.
The Ultimate Spider-Man comic series is a re envisioning of the early days of Spider-Man lore. Here, Peter Parker is a scrawny 15-year-old kid, granted his powers via the infamous radioactive spider on a class field trip. The plot of the Ultimate Spider-Man game doesn't spend much time getting you up to speed with this, instead taking just a brief minute or two to quickly show Parker's transformation into the titular hero, as well as a bit of backstory about how he and his childhood friend, Eddie Brock, stumble upon a mysterious bioengineered suit that both their fathers had apparently been working on before their deaths. As any comic aficionado might assume, this is the suit that turns Brock into the gruesome, tongue-lashing beast known as Venom, and that's right where things pick up. The plot itself is something of a disjointed affair; it's really more of an excuse to squeeze as many relevant Marvel characters as possible into the package. But it does a good job of achieving this goal by including plenty of friendly faces such as Wolverine and the Human Torch, as well as modern versions of big-time villains such as Carnage, Electro, Green Goblin, and, of course, Venom himself.
The story ends up a winner because it sticks so closely to its comic-book roots--it's just too bad that there isn't very much of it. To get through the entire story mode, it shouldn't take you more than a half-dozen hours at most, and only about five hours of that actually make up story missions. Ultimate Spider-Man retains the sort of open-ended nature of Spider-Man 2, letting you roam around the city of New York, swinging your way to assorted side missions scattered about the town. Most of these are basic checkpoint races, combat missions in which your entire goal is to beat up a bunch of gang members, and city events, which simply consist of quick-rescue operations and breakups of bank robberies or what have you. These missions aren't optional, though. They appear that way at first, but you'll soon find that you have to beat them to unlock more story missions--and in some cases, you only unlock a cutscene and then have to go back out into the city to beat more side missions to move on again. Essentially, it feels like the developers quickly ran out of story and hastily decided to make these missions required play to pad out the length.
The city of New York has also been scaled down here, but that's not a detriment. Though there's less area to cover, the areas themselves look a lot better. That's thanks mostly to the game's entirely new art style, which uses a unique cel-shading concept to give every character and set piece a brightly colorful and sharp look. The character models are so sharp looking, in fact, that they look like they've leapt off a comic page--though perhaps that's because the game goes to painstaking lengths to try to emulate the comic book's style, creating multiple cutscenes that frame their shots within the boxes of a comic. All this gives Ultimate Spider-Man a wonderful sense of style that the previous two games lacked. Admittedly, there are still a few problems. The camera can get very uppity, especially in tight spaces, and the PC version suffers from a bad frame rate in a lot of spots, especially when you're web swinging. Turning down effects makes no difference, nor does the resolution. Parts of this game simply don't run well.

Features Of Ultimate Spiderman PC.
Following are the features of Ultimate Spiderman.
1.The game has nice visuals.
2.Free roaming gameplay.
3.Based on comic book story line.
4.The game has awesome graphics.
5.The game has nice storyline.

Ultimate-Spider-Man System Requirements-
CPU:Pentium III or Athon equivalent
CPU Speed:1.2 GHz
RAM:256 MB
OS:Windows 2000 or XP only
Video Card:3D hardware accelerated card - DirectX 9.0c compliant 64 MB video card (NVIDIA GeForce2+ / ATI Radeon 7500+)

DirectX version:DirectX 9.0c (included on disk)
Sound Card:Yes
Free Disk Space:3500 MB of uncompressed free disk space plus 400 MB for Windows swap file
CD-ROM:100% Windows 2000/XP compatible quad speed CD or DVD ROM
Ultimate Spiderman Free Download.
Click below to start download the game.Just download it and start playing.
  Download-Click here to download(Torrent File)

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